JEEP - joint emergency evacuation plan
JEEP stands for joint emergency evacuation plan
Here you will find, what does JEEP stand for in Government under Military category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate joint emergency evacuation plan? joint emergency evacuation plan can be abbreviated as JEEP What does JEEP stand for? JEEP stands for joint emergency evacuation plan. What does joint emergency evacuation plan mean?joint emergency evacuation plan is an expansion of JEEP
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Alternative definitions of JEEP
- Just Enough Education To Perform
- Justice Economy Environment And Peace
- Just Empty Every Pocket
- Just Eats Every Part
- Just Expect Every Problem
- Just Enough Essential Parts
- Just Everybody Else's Parts
View 30 other definitions of JEEP on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- JEIDA Japanese Electronics Industry Development Association
- JEIM jet engine intermediate maintenance
- JEIO Joint Effectiveness and Interoperability Office
- JEL Joint Electronic Library
- JEM Joint Exercise Manual (JC
- JEMIC jet engine mishap investigation course
- JEMP joint exercise management package
- JEOCN Joint European Operational Communications Network
- JEOF joint exercise observation file
- JEPES Joint Engineer Planning and Execution System
- JER joint ethics regulation
- JES job entry system
- JESS Joint Exercise Support System